Plasma Fibroblast

Plasma Fibroblast

Benefits Plasma Fibroblast

  • improves skin texture
  • offers mild-to-moderate skin tightening effects
  • result in some degree of skin facial contour change

Features Plasma Fibroblast

Plasma fibroblast therapy uses a pen-like device that discharges a high-frequency electric current to small areas of the skin.

The plasma tip doesn’t directly touch the skin, but instead releases a targeted current just above the skin. The hot current creates small holes, or micro-injuries, in the skin’s layer. The thermal disruption, or heat damage, from plasma fibroblast therapy:

  • breaks down proteins in the skin
  • encourages tissue regeneration
  • stimulates fibroblast activity
  • causes tissue contraction (tightening)

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Chin Lift

Crow’s Feet

Full Forehead

Full Neck Lift

Lower Eyelids

Upper Eyelids

Lower and Upper Eyelids

Upper Lip

Perioral (Around the mouth)

Skintag <5mm

Skintag >5mm

Tummy Lift